Hướng dẫn cách đọc tỷ giá, các phép tính bằng tiếng anh

Đăng bởi: Nguyễn Hải Tâm - Tuesday 14/08/2018 - 6344 lượt xem.



Notice these ways of speaking about exchange rates:
How many euros are there to the dollar?
How many euros per dollar did you get?
The current rate is 205 yen to the pound.
Please note that in English we say 10 dollars with a plural ‘s’ because it is more than one. However, when talking about the rate of exchange, we say: 100 euros is 146 dollars.


Remember to pronounce the s in equals as /z/. It is singular; the part on the left equals the part on
the right.
10 + 4 = 14 ten plus four is fourteen + = add
ten and four equals fourteen

10 – 4 = 6 ten minus four is six – = subtract (or deduct) ten take away four equals six

10 x 4 = 40 ten times four is (or equals) forty x = multiply
ten multiplied by four is forty

10 ÷ 4 = 2 ½ ten divided by four is two and a half ÷ = divide

Other ways of saying divide are:

per €/$ euros per dollar
6 % p.a. six per cent per annum

over (x – y)/z x minus y, over z which is not the
same as x, minus y over z: x – y/z

Ex: The basic accounting equation is assets = liabilities + shareholders’ equity OR shareholders’ equity = assets – liabilities

1.1.9. DATES

Be careful with the date!
In British English, they write the day first, but in American English they write the month first. This means that 12/06/2009 is the twelfth of June in Britain but in the United States it is the sixth of December!

So write the date like this: 12 June 2009 and everyone will know what you mean. Remember to use a capital letter for the month.
You do not have to write th, rd, nd or st after the day.

Nguồn: Khuat Quang Thin  chia sẻ group webketoanfacebook

Bài 1: Cách đọc số 0 bằng tiếng anh

Bài 2: Cách đọc tiếng anh dấu thập phân

Bài 3: Cách đọc tiếng anh tỷ lệ %, phân số, số tự nhiên

Bài tiếp theo: miêu tả sự thay đổi của số liệu, tăng/giảm và những vấn đề khác, cùng đón chờ nhé 🙂